Calcium in Bones and Teeth: Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for life. In addition to building bones and keeping them healthy, calcium helps our blood clot, nerves sends messages and muscles contract. About 99 percent of the calcium in our bodies is in our bones and teeth. Calcium is important for teeth and bones. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium. You need lots of calcium for healthy teeth and gums.


Calcium in Bones and Teeth: Strong teeth and bones are important for overall health. One important factor in keeping bones and teeth strong and healthy is calcium. Calcium is a mineral and is one of the most abundant in the body. It can also be found in certain foods and is added to others. Calcium is also added to vitamins and other dietary supplements as it is such an important mineral that the body needs.


Calcium in Bones and Teeth: Almost all the calcium found in the human body is stored in the bones and teeth. In addition to strengthening teeth and bones, calcium is also important for the body’s blood vessels, muscles, and fluids. Calcium works to help blood vessels and muscles function properly. Osteoporosis does not just affect bones, it can also affect teeth as it can cause the jaw bone to become weak. The jaw bone is basically an anchor for your teeth so if it becomes damaged, it is more likely that teeth will loosen and possibly fall out. Women, are three times more likely to lose their teeth if they have osteoporosis than those with healthy bones.


Calcium in Bones and Teeth: Along with osteoporosis, not getting enough calcium can increase your risk of periodontal disease. Studies have shown that people who do not have enough calcium in their diet are more than fifty percent more likely to develop gum disease than people who have enough calcium in their diet. If it is determined that you need more calcium in your diet, there are certain foods you can consume that are rich in calcium. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are some of the best sources of calcium but there are other foods as well. Green, leafy vegetables contain calcium as well as foods such as cereal that have been fortified with calcium. Taking a daily multivitamin is also a good idea as most of them contain calcium.